Regular Camps

Regular Camps

The section puts the “out” in Scouts and aims to run a camp every six to eight weeks. We understand camping may be challenging for some, but every scout is encouraged to give it a try, and lots of them like it and come back for more. 

Christmas Camp

Usually we hold this camp indoors, with good kitchen facilities so we can lay on a full Christmas dinner with the scouts. Packed with festive games and activities, including our annual Secret Santa and a traditional Christmas movie night.

Winter Camp

We usually hold this camp in late January or early February, in varied locations not too far from home. We test and build the Scouts resilience, while teaching them how to deal with the cold weather. We will take a thermometer on camp and if the temperature dips below freezing everyone gets to become a member of our Icicle club and gets a certificate. There is a league of who has camped in the coldest conditions.

Chase Walk

This has become a regular mid-March fixture in our calendar. The Chase Walk for Scouts is a team-based orienteering event over a 13-mile course around Cannock Chase. In teams of 4-7, Scouts have to find their way round a series of checkpoints using only a map and compass. We camp at Beaudesert, which serves as the HQ for the walk’s organisers, and pack the Scouts off with a hearty breakfast. We also act as a support team for leaders and Explorer Scouts who are attempting the longer 40-mile Walk.

Spring Camp

Held generally between April and May, Scouts get to experience the unpredictability of the English springtime weather.

Summer Camp

Whilst most of our camps take place over a weekend, Summer Camp is generally a week-long event. The details vary and sometimes we run it in conjunction with other sections within the group. Camps have been both in this country and abroad.